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dc.contributor.authorH. Douglas Brown-
dc.description.abstractThe fifth edition takes a comprehensive look at foundations of language teaching through discussions of the latest research in the field, including: * Vygotsky's and Bakhtin's theories * Thorndike's law of effect * error treatment, noticing, recasts * intercultural communication * language policy and politics * corpus linguistics *hot topics in SLA * connectionism and emergentism * flow theory, willingness to communicate * strategies-based instruction * contrastive rhetoric * attribution theory, self-efficacy * output hypothesis Also by H.Douglas Brown: Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning Englishen_US
dc.subjectMã học phần PG341, Language Learning | Principles of Language | Nguyên tắc ngôn ngữ | Học ngôn ngữen_US
dc.titlePrinciples of Language Learning and Teachingen_US
Appears in CollectionsNgôn ngữ Anh

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