Item Infomation

Title: The effective manager
Authors: Mark Horstman
Keywords: Supervision of employees | Teams in the workplace | Executive ability | Management | Làm việc nhóm | Quản lý | Khả năng điều hành
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: The Effective Manager is written for every manager, at every level. It focuses on what you can do now, today, with your team members, to improve their performance and get better results and retention. And this second edition will feature updates to some of the existing content and will also feature new chapters that cover topics like: how to deal with the challenges of remote work; how to maintain an effective culture in a WFH or hybrid office culture; how to lead with empathy and compassion, and much more
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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  • TVS.007227_Mark Horstman, Kate Braun, Sarah Sentes - The Effective Manager-Wiley_ 2nd Edition, Completely Revised and Updated (2023).pdf
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