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dc.contributor.authorLin Guo-
dc.description.abstractThe First Line of Code is a must-have for developers who want to learn Android and Kotlin, and the best-seller in China. Knowledge between Android and Kotlin is interspersed in a way that readers are easy to understand and get start: Android part covers all the important aspects of the Android platform, such as activity, service, content provider, broadcast receiver, fragment, basic UI, data storage, network, Jetpack and other application-level knowledge. Kotlin part covers various aspects of Kotlin, such as standard grammar, common skills, higher-order functions, generics, coroutines, DSL and other language-level
dc.subjectAndroid | Android Programming with Kotlin | Lập trình Android bằng Kotlin | Bộ thu phát sóng | Lưu trữ dữ liệuvi
dc.subjectAndroid | Android Programming with Kotlin | Lập trình Android bằng Kotlin | Bộ thu phát sóng | Lưu trữ dữ liệuvi
dc.titleThe First Line of Code: Android Programming with Kotlinvi
Appears in CollectionsTin học

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  • TVS.007168_Lin Guo - The First Line of Code_ Android Programming with Kotlin-Springer (2022).pdf
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