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dc.contributorHecht, Yoel-
dc.contributor.authorMugerman, Yevgeny-
dc.description.abstractThis book describes certainty, uncertainty, financial risks, methods of risk mitigation, and risk management. The first chapter of this book represents some milestones in risk management and introduces the main aspects of financial risk management. The following chapters discuss various types of financial risk such as market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, and other financial risks. The last chapter describes enterprise risk management which binds together all the risks. This book, which is accompanied by PowerPoint presentations, is aimed at lecturers, students, and practitioners with an interest in risk management. The book is the fruit of the authors' long years of work in the field of risk management, serving as a risk management advisor and teaching an MBA-level academic course on the topic for economics and business administration students"--vi
dc.format.extent306 pagesvi
dc.publisherWorld Scientificvi
dc.subjectRisk managementvi
dc.subjectQuản lý rủi rovi
dc.titleLecture notes in risk managementvi
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý

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  • TVS.006608_TV_Yevgeny Mugerman, Yoel Hecht - Lecture Notes in Risk Management {team-IRA]-World Scientific Publishing Company (2023).pdf
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