Item Infomation

Title: Learn Java fundamentals : a primer for Java development and programming
Authors: Jeff Friesen
Keywords: Lập trình Java | Tính năng Java cơ bản | Hướng dẫn lập trình
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Sharpen your Java skills and boost your potential as an IT specialist. This book introduces you to the basic Java features and APIs needed to prepare for a career in programming and development. You'll first receive an introduction to Java and then explore language features ranging from comments though exception/error handling, focusing mainly on language syntax and a few select syntax-related APIs. This constitutes the heart of the book, and you'll use these building blocks to construct simple Java programs, and learn where Java's implementations of expressions (and operators), and statements diverge from other languages.
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  • TVS.006847_Jeff Friesen - Learn Java Fundamentals_ A Primer for Java Development and Programming-Apress (2024).pdf
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