Item Infomation

Title: Data mining and predictive analytics
Authors: Fortino, Andres
Keywords: Data Mining; Khai thác dữ liệu
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Mercury Learning & Information
Abstract: "Data mining is a recent development in the area of data analysis (within the last 20 years). With many recent advances in data science, we now have many more tools and techniques available for data analysts to extract information from data sets. This book helps data analysts to move up from simple tools such as Excel for descriptive analytics to answer more sophisticated questions using machine learning. Data mining is a sophisticated and organized activity with a well-defined process encoded in the CRISP-DM standard. In this book, we develop an understanding of the tools and techniques to assist the individual data analyst, but not necessarily a data science team
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  • TVS.005295_TV_Andres Fortino - Data Mining and Predictive Analytics for Business Decisions-Mercury Learning and Information (2023).pdf
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