Item Infomation

Title: Future money : FinTech, AI and Web3
Authors: Ronit Ghose
Keywords: Digital currency | Cryptocurrencies | Finance | Tiền điện tử | Tài chính ngân hàng
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Cryptocurrency. DeFi. Web3. Fintech. The Metaverse. AI. The future of money is here.The world of money is rapidly changing, but what does it all really mean? Exploring key developments such as blockchain, DeFi, AI and the metaverse, the book brings these technical topics to vivid life via narrative deep dives into selected founders and their companies.Spanning multiple geographies from London to Lagos, via Ahmedabad, Dubai, Hong Kong, Karachi and more, Future Money pulls together the story how money is changing in the internet era. Written in jargon-free language, this book clearly provides an understanding of new technologies, showcases the democratization of financial access and presents a vision of the digital future of money, finance and culture.Delivered by one of the world's leading analysts on fintech, web3 and innovations in finance, this is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the developments, challenges and opportunities of fintech, crypto, web3 and beyond
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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