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  • Book

  • Authors: Gillian Brown (1988)

  • The term 'discourse analysis' has come to be used with a wide range of meanings which cover a wide range of activities. It is used to describe activities at the intersection of disciplines as diverse as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, philosophical linguistics and computational linguistics. Scholars working centrally in these different disciplines tend to concentrate on different aspects of discourse. Sociolinguists are particularly concerned with the struc- ture of social interaction manifested in conversation, and their descriptions emphasise features of social context which are particu- larly amenable to sociological classification

  • Book

  • Authors: Laura Alba Juez (1983)

  • The main aim of this book is to provide the students of 5th year of the Filología Inglesa program at the UNED with the necessary study material for the course entitled Análisis del Discurso y Lingüística del Texto en Lengua Inglesa. However, it could also be used in any general (university) course on Discourse Analysis, since it contains basic theoretical and empirical knowledge on the subject.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Tom Hutchinson (1987)

  • English for Specific Purposes offers the teacher a new perspective on this important field. The main concern is effective learning and how this can best be achieved in ESP courses. The authors discuss the evolution of ESP and its position today; the role of the ESP teacher; course design; syllabuses; materials; teaching methods, and evaluation procedures. It will be of interest to all teachers who are concerned with ESP. Those who are new to the field will find it a thorough, practical introduction while those with more extensive experience will find its approach both stimulating and innovative.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Kurt Stone (1980)

  • Stone is undoubtedly one of the world's leading authorities on contemporary music notation and its problems. As head of the Index of New Musical Notation, he collected and categorized the myriad new devices appearing in published music of this century. In collaboration with professional performers and conductors, he evaluated these devices in order to determine their effectiveness in practical application. The results have been incorporated into this volume in the clearest and most direct way. Traditional notation is given detailed treatment, constituting, as it does, the basis for many of the innovative devices. The book is organized to facilitate the location of specific information and for easy reference.