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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Laurence C. Thompson (1991)

  • As a basic work of reference it meets all the criteria of linguistic analysis, namely, thoroughness, comprehen-siveness, conciseness, and elegance. Among other features Profesor Thomp-son deserves the credit for calling attention to the endocentricity of Vietnamese constructions, to the existence of sub-syllabic morphemes, to a number of "relator-nouns" which previous authors had called "verbs" or "preposi- tions" (trong, ngoili, tren, dueli, etc.), to the notion of "focus" discovered in proper nouns, pronouns, and also circumstantial complements (of manner, place and time), and to a novel treatment of particles.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Laurence C. Thompson (1990)

  • When Laurence Thompson's original Vietnamese Grammar first appeared in 1965, it went almost instantly to the top of the list of required reading for serious students of the Vietnamese language. It has stayed there ever since but, in recent years, the title has become almost impossible to find, either in bookstores or in libraries, where original copies have often grown woefully ragged and marked up or are now simply missing. In the meanwhile, the author has become aware of a number of minor infelicities and typographical errors requiring correction. Thus, both demand and scholarship have dictated this re-edition