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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Tony Dudley-Evans (1998)

  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is now well established as an important and distinctive part of English Language Teaching. Since the late 1980's ESP has changed in two very significant respects. Firstly, English for Business Purposes has become an increasingly important, even dominant, area of ESP. Secondly, the work of discourse and genre analysis on the one hand and the results of computer-based analysis on the other provide a fuller understanding of how specific texts, both written and spoken, work. It provides an update of these major developments in ESP and a summary of where the discipline is now. It is practical and accessible while covering a wide range of both theoretical and methodological topics. It also charts how ESP has been influenced by new ideas in the areas of ...

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: 島 恭子 (1991)

  • 短文レベルの初級リーディングは終了し、これから中級に進もうとしている人のための、700~1,200字の文章と練習問題からなっています。中級になるととたんに難しくなる傾向がありますが、本書は初級の実力で十分 に読める内容のあるおもしろい文章を読むことで、長文の読解力を養い、伸ばすのが狙いです。練習問題集は、内容把握・語句の意味・文法などの学習の成果がチェックしやすいテスト形式になっています。

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Nguyễn Đình Hòa (1997)

  • Với mười một chương sắp xếp theo thứ tự rành mạch, hai phụ bản, một thư tịch liệt kê 210 nguồn khảo cứu của các tác giả khắp năm châu viết về tiếng Việt, và một "index" hơn 13 trang, cuốn sách là một đóng góp uyên bác hiếm quý cho thế giới bên ngoài muốn tìm hiểu về cấu trúc tiếng Việt. Bằng một lối viết trong sáng vui tươi và với những thí dụ đầy tình tự dân tộc, tác giả đã miêu tả những nét chính yếu và đặc thù của âm pháp (phonology), từ pháp (morphology) và cú pháp (syntax) tiếng Việt qua các nguyên lý của khoa ngôn ngữ học hiện đại.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Mitchell, Melanie (1996)

  • The descriptions of applications and modeling projects stretch beyond the strict boundaries of computer science to include dynamical systems theory, game theory, molecular biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, and population genetics, underscoring the exciting "general purpose" nature of genetic algorithms as search methods that can be employed across disciplines.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Nguyễn Minh Thuyết; Nguyễn Văn Hiệp (1997)

  • Tạo lập và tiếp nhận văn bản. Rèn luyện kỹ năng đặt câu và dùng từ. Chữa các lỗi thông thường về câu trong văn bản. Một số phép biến đổi câu trong văn bản. Chữa các lỗi thông thường về dùng từ trong văn bản

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Kurt Stone (1980)

  • Stone is undoubtedly one of the world's leading authorities on contemporary music notation and its problems. As head of the Index of New Musical Notation, he collected and categorized the myriad new devices appearing in published music of this century. In collaboration with professional performers and conductors, he evaluated these devices in order to determine their effectiveness in practical application. The results have been incorporated into this volume in the clearest and most direct way. Traditional notation is given detailed treatment, constituting, as it does, the basis for many of the innovative devices. The book is organized to facilitate the location of specific information and for easy reference.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Dave Stewart (1999)

  • This one takes a wider view, with chapters on MIDI, composition and improvisation. The examination of chords and chord voicings initiated in the first book continues, along with further studies of chord sequences, rhythm, drumming, tempo and tonality, and a glossary of musical terms, signs and symbols. If you like, this is a slightly more advanced companion to my first offeringbut really, both books have the same purpose: to throw some light on the terminology, written language and celestial mechanics of music, and (more importantly) to encourage readers not just to read music, but to write some of their own.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Adolf Bernhard Marx (1997)

  • This volume offers a generous selection of the most salient of his writings, the majority presented here in English for the first time. It features Marx's oft-cited but little understood material on sonata form, his progressive program for compositional pedagogy and his detailed critical analysis of Beethoven's 'Eroica' Symphony.