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  • Book

  • Authors: Tests Lyle F. Bachman (1996)

  • The practice of testing is related here to views on communicative language teaching and testing. The book is divided into three sections: "Conceptual Bases on Language Testing," "Designing and Constructing Useful Language Tests," and "Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Information from Language Tests."

  • Book

  • Authors: Laura Alba Juez (1983)

  • The main aim of this book is to provide the students of 5th year of the Filología Inglesa program at the UNED with the necessary study material for the course entitled Análisis del Discurso y Lingüística del Texto en Lengua Inglesa. However, it could also be used in any general (university) course on Discourse Analysis, since it contains basic theoretical and empirical knowledge on the subject.

  • Book

  • Authors: Michael McCarthy (1991)

  • Discourse Analysis for Language Teaching gives a practical introduction to the field of discourse analysis and its relevance for language teaching. It begins by answering the question 'What is discourse analysis?' and examines how discourse analysts approach spoken and written language. Different models of analysis are outlined and evaluated in terms of their usefulness to language teachers. This is followed by chapters on discourse-oriented approaches to grammar, vocabulary and phonology. The final section looks at spoken and written language in the light of native-speaker and learner data and considers examples of teaching approaches. Discourse Analysis for Language Teaching has a very practical orientation, and the text is interspersed with reader activities with guidance on appr...

  • Book

  • Authors: Jones, Leo (1998)

  • Welcome! is a course for people who either work or plan to work in tourism. It contains fifty 90-minute lessons, with units grouped into ten thematic modules for maximum flexibility. The course places particular emphasis on getting students to communicate in work situations they are likely to meet.

  • Book

  • Authors: George Yule (1996)

  • This book outlines pragmatics, the study of how people make sense of each other linguistically. Basic concepts such as the cooperative principle, deixis, and speech acts are explained and illustrated, providing readers with an ideal foundation for further study.