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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
  • TVS.004649_TT_Peter Tannenbaum - Excursions in Modern Mathematics-Pearson (2022).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Tannenbaum, Peter (2022)

  • This text started many years ago as a set of lecture notes for a new, experimental "math appreciation" course (these types of courses are described, sometimes a bit derisively, as "math for poets"). Over time, the lecture notes grew into a text and the "poets" turned out to be social scientists, political scientists, economists, psychologists, environmentalists, and many other "ists." Over time, and with the input of many users, the contents have been expanded and improved, but the underlying philosophy of the text has remained the same since those handwritten lecture notes were handed out to my first group of students. Excursions in Modern Mathematics is a travelogue into that vast a...

  • TVS.004626_TT_James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, Saleem Watson - Precalculus. Mathematics for Calculus-Cengage Learning (2024).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Stewart, James (2023)

  • This edition provides complete coverage of the function concept and integrates the use of graphing technology to help you develop insights that help you better understand today's mathematical ideas. New review helps you further master the fundamentals. Online WebAssign resources are also available to provide interactive practice and assist you in reviewing key principles in preparation for calculus.

  • TVS.004646_TT_S K Goyal - Skills in Mathematics Algebra for IIT JEE Main and Advanced Arihant Dr. S K Goyal-Arihant Goyel Trishna Pearson (2022).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Dr. SK Goyal (2021)

  • Skill in Mathematics' series is prepared for JEE Main and Advanced papers2. It is a highly recommended textbook to develop a strong grounding in Algebra3. The book covers the entire syllabus into 11 chapters4. Each chapter includes a wide range of questions that are asked in the examinationsGood foundational grip is required in the Algebraic Methods, while you are preparing for JEE Mains & Advanced or any other engineering.

  • TVS.004845_TT_(For Dummies) by Deborah J. Rumsey - Statistics ALL-IN-ONE-John Wiley & Sons (2023).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Rumsey, Deborah J (2023)

  • Statistics All-in-One For Dummies is packed with lessons, examples, and practice problems to help you slay your stats course. Develop confidence and understanding in statistics with easy-to-understand (even fun) explanations of key concepts. Plus, you'll get access to online chapter quizzes and other resources that will turn you into a stats master. This book teaches you how to interpret graphs, determine probability, critique data, and so much more.