Browsing by Author Simon Haykin

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  • TVS.004163_Communication Systems - Fourth Edition ( PDFDrive )-1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Simon Haykin (2000)

  • This best-selling, easy to read, communication systems book has been extensively revised to include an exhaustive treatment of digital communications. Throughout, it emphasizes the statistical underpinnings of communication theory in a complete and detailed manner.

  • TVS.000325- Communication Systems_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Simon Haykin (2001)

  • Intended for use in the Communication Systems course in the Electrical Engineering core curriculum. This course is typically offered at the junior/senior level in electrical engineering departments at the majority of four year colleges and universities that have electrical engineering programs. The introductory course in communication systems is required for electrical engineering majors. This text will also appeal to a small segment of the professional engineering market.

  • TVS.004150_Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen - Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition -Wiley (2002).pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Simon Haykin (2003)

  • Design and MATLAB concepts have been integrated in text. Integrates applications as it relates signals to a remote sensing system, a controls system, radio astronomy, a biomedical system and seismology.