Browsing by Author Annmarie Hanlon

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  • TVS.006405_Digital Marketing Strategic Planning  Integration (Annmarie Hanlon)-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Annmarie Hanlon (2019)

  • The book is complemented by online resources for both instructors and students, these include PowerPoint slides, an instructor's guide, exercises and activities relating to each chapter, digital marketing planning documents, digital marketing model templates, quizzes, annotated recommended video links, links to free online tools and SAGE journal article recommendations. Suitable for digital and e-marketing courses on marketing and advertising degrees as well as professional courses for anyone interested in gaining a holistic understanding of digital marketing

  • TVS.006409_Digital Marketing Strategic Planning  Integration, 2nd (Annmarie Hanlon)-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Annmarie Hanlon (2022)

  • The second edition has been expanded to include new discussions and research on areas including digital privacy, types of influencers, social listening and the gig economy. Key features: Supported by case examples from 28 global companies and brands including IKEA, Uber, Klarna and TikTok

  • TVS.006424_The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing (Annmarie Hanlon, Tracy L. Tuten)-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Annmarie Hanlon (2022)

  • This Handbook strives to advance the study and understanding of this domain and provides a digital marketing journey that flows from methods and methodologies. It moves from the fundamentals to the different aspects of digital marketing strategy, tactics, metrics and management, and ethics