Item Infomation

Title: Strategic management of health care organizations
Authors: Ginter, Peter M
Keywords: Strategic planning; Mission statements; Chiến lược chăm sóc sức khỏe; Management & Leadership
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: This new eighth edition has been fully updated to reflect new insights into strategic thinking, new methods to conceptualize and document critical environmental issues, practical steps for carrying out each of the strategic management processes, industry and management essentials for strategic thinkers , and new case studies for applying the strategic management processes. More specifically, readers of this edition will be able to: - Create a process for developing a strategic plan for a health care organization. - Map and analyze external issues, trends, and events in the general environment, the health care system, and the service area. - Conduct a comprehensive service area competitor analysis. - Perform an internal analysis and determine the competitive advantages and competitive disadvantages. - Develop directional strategies. - Identify strategic alternatives and make rational strategic decisions for a health care organization. - Develop a comprehensive strategy for a health care organization. - Create effective value-adding service delivery and support strategies.
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