Item Infomation

Title: Advanced practice nursing : core concepts for professional role development
Authors: Mirr Jansen, Michaelene P
Keywords: Nurse Anesthetists; Nurse Midwives; Gây mê lâm sàng; Y tá Hộ sinh
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: The book outlines what is required of the APN, with guidelines for professional practice for each of the four APN roles: the nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife, and certified registered nurse anesthetist." "Advanced Practice Nursing focuses not only on the care and management of patients, but also on how to meet the many challenges of the rapidly changing health care arena. The book outlines what is required of the APN, with guidelines for professional practice for each of the four APN roles: the nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife, and certified registered nurse anesthetist." "Advanced Practice Nursing focuses not only on the care and management of patients, but also on how to meet the many challenges of the rapidly changing health care arena.
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