Item Infomation

Title: All of nonparametric statistics
Authors: Larry Wasserman
Keywords: Nonparametric statistics | Khoa học máy tính và kỹ thuật | Thống kê phi tham số
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: This text provides the reader with a single book where they can find accounts of a number of up-to-date issues in nonparametric inference. The book is aimed at Masters or PhD level students in statistics, computer science, and engineering. It is also suitable for researchers who want to get up to speed quickly on modern nonparametric methods. It covers a wide range of topics including the bootstrap, the nonparametric delta method, nonparametric regression, density estimation, orthogonal function methods, minimax estimation, nonparametric confidence sets, and wavelets. The book’s dual approach includes a mixture of methodology and theory
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