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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Iwasiw, Carroll L (2020)

  • "Curriculum Development in Nursing Education, Fourth Edition provides nursing students with the theory and practical ideas necessary to develop an evidence-based, context-relevant, unified curriculum. Throughout the text the authors guide students to develop this type of curriculum with an emphasis on a concept-based curriculum"

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Diana J. Mason (2020)

  • This expanded 8th edition helps you develop a global understanding of nursing leadership and political activism, as well as the complex business and financial issues that drive many actions in the health system. Discussions include the latest updates on conflict management, health economics, lobbying, the use of media, and working with communities for change.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Oermann, Marilyn H (2021)

  • Describes how to develop test blueprints and assemble, administer, write, and analyze tests Provides guidelines for the selection of standardized tests for a nursing curriculum

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Mealer, Meredith (2020)

  • This book provides the nurse, and the administrators who manage them, with an overview of the psychological disorders that are prevalent in their profession, first-person narratives from nurses who share traumatic and/or stressful situations that have impacted their career and provide detailed descriptions of promising coping strategies that can be used to mitigate symptoms of distress.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Kizior, Robert J (2024)

  • This handy, user-friendly guide includes updated uses, dosage forms, warnings, side effects and adverse reactions, IV drug administration, nursing considerations, and much more.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: - (2021)

  • In this edition, the editors have revised all introductory chapters at an undergraduate nursing level, providing the critical information needed for nurses to understand assessment, its link to diagnosis and clinical reasoning, and the purpose and use of taxonomic structure for the nurse at the bedside. Researchers will also find new recommendations to improve the terminology

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Cooper, Kim (2023)

  • Adult Health Nursing was developed to educate the practical/vocational nursing student in medical-surgical nursing with an overview of anatomy and physiology

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: - (2023)

  • The Third Edition of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses has been thoroughly updated for students in undergraduate Associate, Baccalaureate, Accelerated and BSN completion Nursing programs. There is a chapter focusing on each of the six Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Competency areas, with content on Nursing Leadership and Patient Care Management infused throughout the chapters. The Third Edition also includes new chapters on Systems Thinking, Implementation Science, and Population Health. It includes an Instructor's manual and Powerpoints

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: - (2023)

  • This book addresses all these issues, and specific problems such as addiction, nurse migration, women prisoners, nursing standards and terrorism, all of which have a global dimension. This work is a beginning towards the further needed education for students of nursing, practicing nurses and other health professionals about globalization and its numerous impacts