Item Infomation

Title: International project management
Other Titles: A Focus on HR Approach in Multinational Corporations Volume I
Authors: Hamid Doost Mohammadian
Keywords: Project management | Dự án quốc tế | Quản lý dự án
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: New York: Momentum Press
Abstract: The book shows the most effective way of balancing the fundamental pillars, assisting the modern day manager by handling a dynamic, constantly adjusting workplace, which easily adapts to all challenges and changes. International Project Management will bridge the gap of knowledge and highlight the modern and effective findings related to international project management, value engineering, and multinational cooperation. The author teaches about specifics of international project management and he defines what exactly a project should contain, sharing personal examples as well as models that include all the required steps to reach the set goals. Readers will be able to immediately implement these skills into work, find the motivation to move forward, and have confidence easily manage and complete tasks.
Appears in CollectionsToán - Tin - Kinh tế




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