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dc.contributor.authorHoward Anton-
dc.contributor.otherChris Rorres-
dc.description.abstractThis classic treatment of linear algebra presents the fundamentals in the clearest possible way, examining basic ideas by means of computational examples and geometrical interpretation. It proceeds from familiar concepts to the unfamiliar, from the concrete to the abstract. Readers consistently praise this outstanding text for its expository style and clarity of presentation. The applications version features a wide variety of interesting, contemporary applications. Clear, accessible, step-by-step explanations make the material crystal clear. Established the intricate thread of relationships between systems of equations, matrices, determinants, vectors, linear transformations and eigenvalues.en_US
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sonsen_US
dc.subjectToán học | Đại số tuyến tínhen_US
dc.titleElementary Linear Algebra with Applicationsen_US
dc.title.alternativeStudent Solutions Manualen_US
Appears in CollectionsToán - Tin - Kinh tế

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