Item Infomation

Title: AI for designers
Authors: Md Haseen Akhtar
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; AI trong thiết kế kiến ​​trúc; AI trong thiết kế sản phẩm; AI
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Singapore: Springer
Abstract: This book presents select research writings from researchers and professionals around the globe on the application, potential, and limitations of AI in different domains. The topics covered include AI in product design, AI in architecture design, AI in textile design, AI in interaction design, and AI for society in general. The book also discusses various cross-applications of AI in other industrial sectors like urban planning and design, AI for inclusive future, etc. The book is a valuable reference for designers in multidisciplinary areas. This book is of interest for anyone who is a beginner, researcher, and professional interested in artificial intelligence and allied fields
Appears in CollectionsKhoa học máy tính - Toán




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  • TVS.006943_Akhtar Ramkumar - AI for Designers (2024) [Akhtar Ramkumar] [9789819968961]-Springer (2024)_TV.pdf
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