Item Infomation

Title: Combinatorial optimization
Authors: William J. Cook
Keywords: Combinatorial optimization | Tối ưu hoá tổ hợp | Toán học ứng dụng
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: New York : Wiley
Abstract: Combinatorial Optimization is an ideal introduction to this mathematical discipline for advanced undergraduates and graduate students of discrete mathematics, computer science, and operations research. Written by a team of recognized experts, the text offers a thorough, highly accessible treatment of both classical concepts and recent results. The topics include: * Network flow problems * Optimal matching * Integrality of polyhedra * Matroids * NP-completeness Featuring logical and consistent exposition, clear explanations of basic and advanced concepts, many real-world examples, and helpful, skill-building exercises, Combinatorial Optimization is certain to become the standard text in the field for many years to come.
Appears in CollectionsToán - Tin - Kinh tế




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